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Compressed Air Products, Inc.

Phone: 770-487-9292

Fax: 678-668-7309

Oil Water Separators


A typical compressed air and gas system can produce thousands of gallons of condensate per year. This condensate may be as much as 99.9% pure water - so why pay thousands of dollars per year to dispose of water when you can clean it simply and effectively and pour it down the drain?


Compressed Air Products Inc. has a complete range of oil water separators that removes the oil from the water in your condensate so you can dispose of it cleanly and safely, drastically reducing your condensate disposal costs and keeping you in compliance with the EPA.

Atlas Copco


Atlas Copco’s OSD and OSC condensate separators efficiently separate the oil from the water in condensates.
The harmless water is drained away and the oil disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. The OSD condensate treatment package is fully integrated into the compressor, reducing both installation costs and complexity. The OSC free standing units can separate all kinds of condensate from all compressor technologies, giving unparalleled performance and reliability for minimal maintenance.

Nano Purification Solutions


The Sepura S-Series is not your typical oil water separator. It's advanced design and unique environmentally friendly STERLING oil absorbing filtration media takes separation technology to a whole new level. No messy carbon bags. No settling tanks full of untreated condensate. No external oil collection containers. Just simple and effective condensate treatment.

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